In Waiting but confident!

 I am waiting for something I am not sure will ever come. It is a hard place to live in. But in that place something is being forged in me: faith. I have let you in to significant places of my heart and as each day passes I feel this exposure to elements without security but I am also realizing I don't need this security in a sense. I am becoming the man God made me to be. I am tender and a deep feeler but I am also creating resolve to love well despite any external circumstances. I really want things to work out for us and sometimes I just have to write out where I actually am. I need to boldly reveal where I am emotionally.  So I am a mixture at times but I am filled with great hope for us Michelle.

As I reveal to you where I am in process. Is honesty ok on this blog you have no idea about? lol I am just being real as I do I am learning more of what to flush and keep.  I am so thankful for your lean in lately. Its been so amazing. I feel you closer most days and other days I just trust we will get to where we need to be.

I just shared this text with you and it helped land my thoughts tonight:

"I share the above with love in my heart and I even feel the heavy is now off my chest and we can relax again in just communication that honors and build each other up. Your story is something I want to be in Michelle. I dont want out, I dont want to run. I want the opposite. I want to draw close. I want to draw near in hard times because HEY we do hard things 😊 "

 I want to keep doing this with you and have the most tender and trusting heart.

Miss you. Love you. TAE


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