Feeling the wind tonight

 I end most days on highs with you. Some highs are super easy and its just a crescendo of fun and love that culminates a good phone call or facetime. Other times the highs are after we fight through something and come out on top. I know this has been a tough week. tough because I have emotions and they were weighty. But tonight I felt like I chopped with my machete through jungle of my thoughts to find an oasis of your love.  I felt your heart tonight and felt you bring your heart to the front in the clutch moments of our day. It was like LeBron hitting a game winner.



Thank you for choosing to be with me in this tough week. You could have pulled away but you didn't. You gave you literal all and it was in the midst of your mom's tough week, remembering your father, and our development.  I am so thankful for you... Thank you for bearing with me and bearing with your own heart. You are doing brave ass work. I see it. I am thankful for you.

ojos rojos en mis huevos


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