A house for my thoughts and prayers


I needed a place to keep my thoughts going... I needed a Volume 2 to our shared journal....so here we are...

As I am in my apartment today the UPPERROOM prayer set from Dec 16, 2020 came on and the song that changed alot for me "I love your presence"by Jenn Johnson. I shared with you that when she included the David Gray lyrics it flipped me inside out. She combined the music I loved and incorporated it in to worship.  That song drew me in today and showed me sometimes the Lord will hit my mind and thoughts about you and then I just need to pour out somewhere and eventually I want you to track and see it.

I also think Dec 16, 2020 is important as I looked to when this prayer set was. It was around that date that my heart started to turn toward you ina  significant way. In fact God did all the turning and adjusting...I think I just surrendered my fear in it.  I have seen a significant draw toward you when I confess my fear about our moment or aspects of our moment. The Lord quickly silences that fear and replaces it with faith or confidence.

May God guide us. May God replace our fear with faith. May we submit. May we see his goodness. May we experience the joy that comes with our mornings as we give him our highest praise. 

Mark 4 shares of the woman and the expensive oil broken at his feet. Let us not forsake that in the pursuit of what is between us. Let us go back there time and time again. We will find him time and time again and then eventually, we will find clarity and vision with one another.

I am sending significant, costly, interputing love toward Jesus today...and I know he will reveal to us more and more of where we will go. Pursuing love of him and each other in this season will establish something supernaturally significant. 

I love you, Michelle.


the UPPEROOM set im listening to:



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